Friday, March 19, 2010

The hardest thing about leaving...

Is leaving. Which is what made today so incredibly bittersweet. First we went to Lake Eland Game Preserve. Not only did we see zebra, giraffe, impala, wildebeast, warthog and impala, but our guide was at Norwegian Settlers Church on Sunday! It was an impressive way for God to bring everything we are doing full circle.

This afternoon we went to Gamalakhe one last time. Dumasani was so incredible. He cried. His kids cried. We cried. The kids that are a part of Dumasani’s feeding program truly have become our friends. They really adopted us. We were able to present the gospel today and hand out shoes to them. While we have no idea of the exact number of decisions, we know that the Lord has been honored and we pray that those students have been blessed.

Finally tonight, after a wonderful pizza dinner on the beach, we went to Youthworx. I had the honor of preaching. However, all of our students and the Rockwall students led small discussion groups. We talked about struggles. We pray that as we struggle to leave, struggle to reenter American culture, and struggle to remain in the Lord as we have been in Him here, that He would bless and draw near to everyone we met this week.


  1. What an incredible ending to an awesome week!! We are so happy to see the smiles and hear about the terrific day that you have all had - and especially that the presentation of the gospel and distribution of shoes went so well. I know that you must be thrilled to know that so many have made life-changing decisions to follow Christ. We will pray that the work that you have done will continue to be shared and bless even more people after you return.

    We will definitely pray for your safe return - of course we are really looking forward to that - but totally proud and understand that it must be very difficult to leave your new friends and relationships and make the transition back home. But we know that you will never be forgotten- and that all that you did this week will continue to bless not only the ones you met, but so many others as well.

    Take care, and have a safe trip back home!

  2. Sounds like you all had an AWESOME day. I know there were many tears (some here as well). I know the seeds that you have planted and watered will continue to grow and mature. We now look forward to seeing you on Sunday. JR

  3. Hay to all, what a blessing to see all at work for the Lord, Looks like he took you to some magnificent places and did great things , My GOD continue to move and keep you all safe! Wheels on FIRE for the LORD!! We love you and miss you!!!!

  4. .....and may you never be the same! Glory be to the Lord, He has done a mighty work! Well done good and faithful servants.

  5. Praise God! You have glorified HIM in all you have done.
    Awwaiting your safe return and to hear of all the testimonies of what a mighty God we serve!!
    Can't wait to see you Fish!

  6. Great to see God at work in the lives of people you did not know just a week ago. He is the Great Provider and Physician and I know that He gave you the opportunity to be a blessing to the people in SA and get blessed in the process.

