Monday, March 15, 2010

Gamalakhe, just rolls off the toungue...

Today, we were able to experience the place that we will spend most of our ministry time. Gamalakhe. It is a township about a 15 minute drive from where we are staying. In Gamalakhe, we had the privilege of Dumasani. Dumasani is the pastor of the church in Gamalakhe. He also plays the accordion as he leads songs, and boy did he lead today! We heard roughly 10 or 12 different songs in both English and Zulu. These kids love to sing and all they sing about is Jesus! Even though many of them do not have a relationship with Christ, they know His holy name, and are hearing it in Word and song. They are also getting to see that Jesus loves them as we are making sure that we feed them (as the meal we provide is likely the only time they will eat today), and let them know that we are feeding them because of Jesus' name!

Our group is amazing. I love the students and leaders who are on this trip. They have had the greatest attitude! Our leaders have been amazing, in that I asked them to help me make this as much the students' trip and project as anything else. But our students! They have continued to step up in tremendous ways!

Our morning started with a Toms shoe drop at Give a Child a Family. GCF is an agency here in the area that takes abused and neglected students and works to place them in a family. Every one of the GCF kids comes from an abuse, neglect or orphan circumstance. We were able to give roughly 30 pairs of shoes to every single student who is of school age! They were so excited! IT is amazing the work that God continues to do here!


  1. So good to hear these wonderful stories and what you all are doing for these precious children in JESUS' name! Also so happy to see my 'baby' in the pictures as I am missing him and missing talking to him! Prayers continue to be lifted up for everyone!
    Barbara Graves

  2. It's so good to hear more about the awesome things you are continuing to do - keep up the great work!!

  3. I am excited when I check to see the blog and see all of the wonderful things that are happening..Praise Him..Say hi to Ryan and Kyle for me..Everyone sends their love and prayers..Momma P

  4. Is Leslie lifting up holy hands or catching something?
